Ancient Skin Benefits of Frankincense & Myrrh

I love everything that is natural, pure & with simple ingredients . I especially have an interest in ingredients used in the past, before synthetic chemicals & fragrances were created in a lab. As far back as we can research & find ancient remedies, medicine & natural beauty secrets, you will hear the words Frankincense & Myrrh. Frankincense & Myrrh were the gifts presented to Jesus by the magi & there is archaeological evidence that both were used as medicinal substances in ancient Egypt.
Frankincense is a powerful resin that comes from the Boswellia tree native to the southern Arabian peninsula, northeast Africa, & parts of India. Raw frankincense is still harvested much as it was thousands of years ago.
Myrrh is the coagulated gum resin from shrubs that grow in Africa & Arabia. Ancient Egyptians used it to prevent aging & maintain healthy skin. It was also was used in ancient Egypt for preserving youthful skin tone & is mentioned many times in the bible.

Some of the top reasons to use these ancient resins (according to Journal of Current Microbiology & Applied Sciences):
Prevents & cures pimples
Reduces wrinkles & signs of aging
Heals dry skin
Enhances skin brightness
Removes blemishes
Myrrh can help maintain healthy skin by soothing chapped or cracked patches. It is commonly added to skin care products to help with moisturizing & also for its deep woody aroma.
Frankincense oil is known to improve skin tone, heal cuts & infected skin. It is said it rejuvenates aging skin by improving skin tone & returning dry & oily skin to normal. It firms skin, promotes healing & fights inflammation. This warm intoxicating aroma is commonly used in body products today.

Ready to experience an amazing bar with Frankincense & Myrrh. This is a LIMITED RELEASE & these treasures move quickly.

NOTE: Some individuals may experience irritation or an allergic reaction when applying frankincense essential oil to the skin. A skin patch test should be done before using any new essential oil.
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 3 Number 10 (2014) pp. 1095-1101: Antimicrobial activity of frankincense of Boswellia serrata Shaik Mannur Ismail1 , Sudheer Aluru2 , KRS Sambasivarao1 and Bhaskar Matcha2 *